Welcome Deirdre O’Donnell

Ms Deirdre O’Donnell, Trustee – TMAM (centre) pictured with Mr Richard Haddock AO, Chair – TMAM and Laureen Dixon rsc, Congregational Leader – Sisters of Charity of Australia

We warmly welcome Deirdre O’Donnell as recently appointed Trustee for Mary Aikenhead Ministries. Deirdre brings an enduring association and friendship with the Sisters of Charity, beginning with her school days at St Columba’s College, Essendon, where she was also Head Prefect. In more recent years, Deirdre was St Columba’s College Board Chair 2018-2023, Board Director 1999-2001, and St Vincent’s College Board Chair 2011-2014. Deirdre is also a founding member of the Melbourne Companions of the Sisters of Charity.

Professionally, Deirdre has worked as a teacher and a public servant and held statutory positions including Information Commissioner, New South Wales Information and Privacy Commission, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations, Western Australia. Deirdre brings a lifelong commitment to serving others, listening to the voices of all, and being open to new learning.

Deirdre’s professional and governance expertise, her deep understanding of the mission and charism of Mary Aikenhead Ministries and her steadfast commitment to the Sisters of Charity sees her well suited for the role of Trustee.

Welcome Deirdre!

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